
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Dream categories

Dream researchers have discovered several distinct categories of dreams, and these dream categories can be very useful both to people attempting to interpret their own dreams and to professional psychologist and therapists striving to interpret the dreams of others.This article will discuss these categories of dreams.

1. The Daydream

While not technically a dream, since it takes place while we are awake, researchers are looking into just where the daydream fits on the spectrum of dreaming, and what it can teach us about more traditional dreams.

It is estimated that most people spend between 70 and 120 minutes each day engaged in daydreaming.Daydreaming is thought to be a level of consciousness below that of a normal waking state but above that of sleep.Daydreaming falls about midway between these two extremes.

During a daydream, we allow our imaginations to take us away from the mundane tasks of the day.As the mind is allowed to wander and conscious awareness is reduced, we can become lost in the fantasy or imaginary scenario.

2. The Lucid Dream

Lucid dreams are among the most fascinating subjects in all of dream research.Lucid dreaming takes place when the dreamer realizes that he or she is dreaming while still immersed in the dream.Lucid dreaming occurs in that moment when you tell yourself – “This is only a dream”.

The occurrence of lucid dreams varies widely from person to person, with some people reporting never having lucid dreams and others reporting almost 100% lucid dreams.

While most dreamers wake up when they realize that they are in a dream, other people are able to develop the ability to remain in the dream and take control of it.These people are able to become an active participant in their dreams, and to take the dream narrative where they want it to go.These people experience some of the most enjoyable and interesting dreams.

3.The Nightmare

Many people are troubled by frightening and disturbing dreams, commonly known as nightmares.Young children in particular often suffer from nightmares brought on by fears of monsters in their closets and under the bed, as well as other types of fear.

Of course nightmares are not confined to childhood, and many adults, particularly those who have suffered real life trauma, are particularly susceptible to nightmares.Those people suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as soldiers returning from war, and rescue workers who have been through harrowing situations, report a higher incidence of nightmares than the public at large.

Many people who suffer from frequent nightmares report a history of real life problems, including psychiatric problems, problems with drugs or alcohol, or problems with family relationships. Treatment for frequent nightmares should therefore be aimed at dealing with the initial trauma or traumas that created the situation in the first place.

4. The Recurring Dream

Most people have had a recurring dream at one point in their life, a dream that repeats itself, with minor variations or even none at all.Recurring dreams can be about any subject, and they focus on that subject night after night.

Some recurring dreams are positive and uplifting, but studies show the majority of recurring dreams to be negative in nature.Dreams can recur in this manner because the real life event that triggered it has remained unresolved.Dealing with the real life trauma responsible for recurring nightmares is often the best way to banish the bad dream.

Some dreamers report experiencing narrative dreams, in which the dream picks up where it left off night after night.These dreams are somewhat rare, but the people who experience them report them to be very vivid and memorable.Keeping a dream journal can be a big help in both remembering and interpreting these kinds of dreams.

5. The Healing Dream

Healing dreams are often seen as sending a message to the dreamer regarding his or her health.Healing dreams often spur the dreamer to take a long delayed trip to the dentist or doctor.

6. The Prophetic Dream

Prophetic dreams are also known as precognitive dreams, and the people experiencing these dreams often report the ability to use them to foretell the future.Independent studies of these types of dreams are rare, and the jury remains out on whether this ability to see the future exists.

One non supernatural explanation for the prophetic dream is that the subconscious mind pieces together bits of information encountered throughout the day, then puts them together in a form that makes sense to the dreamer.

7. The Epic Dreams

Epic dreams are somewhat rare, but they are unforgettable to those who experience them.Epic dreams are so vivid, and so compelling that they simply cannot be ignored.The tiniest details of these dreams are often remembered for many years.These epic dreams may possess lots of symbols and meaning for the dreamer.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Sigmund Freud Would Revolutionize

In the early part of the 19th century, dream interpretation had fallen out of fashion, and almost no one practiced this art seriously.In the early part of the century, dreams were thought to have no meaning at all, and to be simply the result of a heavy meal before bedtime, noises heard in the night and other trivial causes.

By the latter part of the 19th century, however, Sigmund Freud would revolutionize the world of dreams and dream interpretation with his radical new ideas incorporating dreams and deep seated childhood fears.

Born in 1865, Sigmund Freud revolutionized the world of psychiatry and dream interpretation with his seminal work “The Interpretation of Dreams”.Freud started to analyze the dreams of his patients, and he used this dream analysis to diagnose and treat their psychiatric ills

Freud also studied dreams as a way to understand certain aspects of the personality, especially those aspects that lead to psychological problems and disorders.Freud believed that nothing human beings did happened by chance, and that every action, no matter how small or seemingly trivial, was at some level motivated by the unconscious mind.

Of course in order for a civilized, modern society to function, certain primal needs and desires must be repressed, and Freud’s theory was that these repressed urges and desires were released by the unconscious during dream sleep.

Doctor Freud saw dreams as a direct connection to the unconscious mind, and he studied that connection through the interpretation of symbolic objects found in dreams.The theory was that with the conscious mind acts as a guard on the unconscious, preventing certain repressed feelings from coming to the surface.During sleep, however, this conscious guard is absent, and the subconscious mind is free to run wild and express its most hidden desires.

Freud was especially interested in the sexual content of dreams, and he often saw ordinary objects in dreams as representations of sexual desire.To Freud, every long, slender item encountered in a dream, from a knife to a flagpole, was a phallic image, while any receptacle such as a bowl or vase, represented the female genitalia.

Freud believed in five stages of personality, and he saw dreams as manifestations of desired stemming from each of these five stages.To Freud, personality formation consisted of:

Stage One – Oral/Dependency

Freud’s theory was that any needs not satisfied during the oral/dependency stage would cause the person to go through life trying to meet them.Thus, to Freud, habits such as overeating, drinking to much and smoking were all oral fixations.People suffering from these oral fixations often dreamed about their unmet needs and desires.

Stage Two – Anal/Potty Training

Freud held that improper potty training could traumatize a child, and cause him or her to become anal retentive, rigid and controlling.Such traumatized children often develop obsessive compulsive disorders as well.Recurring dreams of being out of control, such as dreams of falling were common in such people.

Stage Three – Phallic

According to Freud, the personality is completely developed by the time stage three rolls around.The third stage of personality is identified with the Oedipus and Electra complexes.The Oedipus complex represents the love a male child feels toward the mother, coupled with fear and jealousy of the male parent.The Electra complex is the female version of Oedipus, in which the female child feels anger toward the mother and develops “penis envy”.

Stage Four – Latency

Unlike the other stages, the latency period is a time of relative calm.During this stage, the aggression and sexual urges are less intense, and little psychosexual conflict is exhibited.

Stage Five – Genital

This is the period of sexual maturity and the creation and enhancement of life.The stage of sexual maturity is where reproduction, intellectual activity and artistic pursuits take place.

Freud believed that wish fulfillment was the source of dreams,and that dreamers used dreams as a way to satisfy the fixations they had developed during childhood.In addition, issues like power and control frequently manifested themselves in dreams.The central part of Freud’s dream theory was that thoughts and desires repressed during the day were free to run wild during the dream stage.

Since Freud’s death, many have criticized him for seeing sexual motivation behind every dream object.Many have pointed out that Freud was born into the sexually repressed Victorian era, and his preoccupation with sexual matters could have been as much a product of the times in which he lived as a valid scientific theory.Even so, many of Freud’s dream interpretations have proven valid and are still used by psychologists and dream researchers today.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Gli oggetti e symbolsin nostri sogni

Gli oggetti, i simboli e le persone che vediamo nei nostri sogni può essere sconcertante e confusione presso times.Dreams sembrano contenere la propria lingua, la lingua, e che possono essere difficili da leggere per coloro che non hanno familiarità con il sogno symbolism.There sono un certo numero di Simboli e sogni, che sono ritenuti universal.Some di questi temi universali includere battenti, in calo, di perdere i denti, e la mancanza di una test.In Oltre a questi simboli universali, tuttavia, vi sono una serie di altri importanti simboli incontrati e sogni.


Angeli sono generalmente considerati come simboli di bontà, di purezza e di wisdom.The comparsa di angeli in un sogno può essere una rappresentazione della ricerca spirituale, per la bontà, o il desiderio di migliorare il tuo live.Angels può anche essere simboli di enlightenment.Angels spesso appaiono E sogni come guide o teachers.The mente più spesso l'aspetto di vedere gli angeli come auspici o messaggi.


Animali incontrati in sogni sono spesso simboli della nostra natura animale o baser instincts.Animals può essere utilizzato anche da sognare la mente a simboleggiare desideri repressi.

L'esatta interpretazione di un animale sogno dipende in larga misura dal tipo di animale e dream.The la chiave per interpretare un animale sogno è quello di esaminare la natura degli animali sognato.


Sogni di nero oggetti possono simboleggiare una paura di affinamento e death.Black può anche rappresentare un vuoto percepito nella vita del sognatore.


Sangue e il sogno mondo può rappresentare il potere e la vitalità, ma l'esatto significato di sangue in un sogno è a seconda del contesto della dream.Violent sogni dove è fuoriuscito il sangue può rappresentare uno sconvolgimento emotivo o una perdita di control.On le altre mani , Il sangue sulle mani può rappresentare sentimenti di colpa.


Alla guida di una vettura in grado di rappresentare il tuo sogno e la gioia della libertà, mentre sognando di una vettura fuori controllo può simboleggiare pericolo o di una perdita di controllo.


Un sogno danza può avere molti significati diversi, a seconda della natura della danza e il suo contesto. Danza può essere un simbolo per sesso o per romance.Dancing in un sogno può anche essere un simbolo di libertà.


Sognare uova può significare uno sforzo per il rinnovo o la rinascita, o una sensazione di pienezza e di rotture di unity.Dreaming uova, d'altro canto, può rappresentare una sconvolgente di fede o di una frantumazione delle illusioni.


Il sogno di nebbia può significare il sognatore è confused.Fog in un sogno può anche significare siete pronti per esplorare parti inesplorate della tua vita o la tua personalità.


Un sogno può essere o cancello di ingresso o di uscita, un approfondimento sulla quale modo è oscillante.


Sognare la malattia può essere un indizio che avete bisogno di chiedere aiuto per un fisico ailment.The inconscio mente può essere più consapevoli della condizione del corpo che la mente cosciente.


Trovare le chiavi in un sogno possibile indicare se si hanno tenuto un segreto, o che si sono via un segreto di bloccaggio vita.


Sogni in cui si sono arrampicata montagna può simboleggiare la realizzazione o il raggiungimento di un obiettivo per i livelli più alti di success.Dreams in cui siete una scalata in montagna può significare che hai raggiunto i tuoi obiettivi.


Sogni di gufi in grado di rappresentare il bisogno di conoscenze e di wisdom.In alcuni casi, la civetta può essere una rappresentazione fisica del subconscio mind.In molti casi, i gufi sono utilizzati per fornire messaggi e sogni.


La strada visto in sogno può indicare la direzione del sognatore è diretto, e la natura della strada in grado di indicare la natura della percezione journey.A lungo rettilineo della strada può significare liscia vela avanti, mentre una tortuosa strada accidentata o percepito può indicare difficoltà Lungo il percorso.


Sogni di salire le scale può significare raggiungere uno o di un anelito di più elevati livelli di consapevolezza, mentre ritiene di discendere le scale può significare si teme una diminuzione di stato.


Il sogno di andare sotterraneo può simboleggiare un viaggio nel subconscio, oppure può significare che il sognatore è wrestling con problemi di lui o lei ha paura di face.In Inoltre, venturing sotterraneo durante un sogno può significare il sognatore è pronta a esplorare le questioni precedentemente nascoste .

Sogni di barare

Sogni di barare, o di essere imbrogliati o barare te, sono alcune delle più comunemente riportati, e più preoccupante, sogni vi are.Many persone prendere questi sogni come profezie, e accusano i loro coniuge, fidanzato o della fidanzata barare nella vita reale. Mentre questo tipo di sogni sono a volte validi, il più delle volte non lo sono.

Quando un sogno di una truffa coniuge, ragazzo o ragazza risulta essere precisi, che non significa necessariamente che stai psychic.Rather, probabilmente significa che il tuo inconscio mente raccolti su alcuni sottili segnali che il tuo mente cosciente sia trascurato o bloccati fuori .

Per esempio, le cose come un improvviso cambiamento nel guardaroba, nuova colonia o improvviso interesse per il fitness può spesso segnale di un inganno spouse.It è possibile che il tuo inconscio ha preso atto di tutti questi segnali durante il giorno, e quindi il tuo sogno stato utilizzato per inviare un Messaggio

Nella maggior parte dei casi, tuttavia, un sogno di un inganno fidanzato, fidanzata o coniuge non è circa il coniuge a all.Rather, il sogno è causato molto probabilmente da insicurezza, ansia o colpa da parte del sognatore.

Per esempio, sognare cattura il tuo fidanzato, fidanzata con il coniuge o un altro partner, probabilmente indica una profonda ansia seduto da parte vostra, o preoccuparsi tuo aspetto, i dubbi sulla sua capacità di attrazione, o semplicemente generalizzata ansia per il futuro.

Allo stesso modo, che si sta sognando barare sul tuo coniuge o altri significativi possono derivare da colpa si sente su altri issues.In alcuni casi, questi sentimenti di colpa non sono ancora collegati al tuo rapporto.

Piuttosto, la colpa potrebbe essere il risultato di qualche cosa da angoli di taglio a barare al lavoro su un test a meno di essere onesti con la famiglia members.Thus barare è solo un simbolo di colpa che già si sentono, non una previsione del fatto che sarà il rafforzamento Sul tuo marito, moglie, ragazzo o ragazza.

Sogni di un ragazzo o ragazza barare su di voi tendono ad essere basati paura dreams.These sogni non rappresentano necessariamente la paura di essere truffati, anche se tali timori possono uscire in dreams.Instead, la paura può essere qualsiasi cosa, dalla paura di fallire su Un progetto al lavoro per paura di fallire un test a scuola.

Il timore espresso attraverso un ragazzo / ragazza barare sogno potrebbe anche essere la manifestazione di una profonda seduto infanzia paura di abandonment.Children di genitori divorziati, o bambini i cui genitori sono morti o genitori, che spesso esprimono il loro timore di abbandono attraverso cattivi sogni, e questi Sogni possono morph sogni in cui sono abbandonati da un partner o un coniuge.

Anche se le questioni espresse attraverso i sogni di barare e di essere ingannato sulla non sono radicate nel rapporto, è sempre una buona idea di lavorare con i problemi che ha causato il dreams.That è dovuto al fatto che i problemi associati a questi tipi di sogni, questioni come Fiducia e la paura, sono cose importanti through.Issues a lavorare con fiducia, e la paura di abbandono può essere molto dannoso anche per la più forte rapporto.

Quindi, se voi siete i cheater o il cheatee nel tuo sogno, è importante esaminare le situazioni che incontrate nel vostro dreams.The situazioni, i luoghi e le persone incontrate, mentre in un sogno stato spesso rappresentano vere persone, luoghi e oggetti, e l'apprendimento Collegamenti può consentire di correggere le situazioni che portano a tali sentimenti di ansia e di insicurezza.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Dreams About Houses

Dreams about houses are among the most common.Dreams, both of familiar and unfamiliar houses, are great fun to interpret, and they can even reveal clues into the personality of the dreamer.Clues like whether the house is familiar or strange, comforting or scary, in good repair or falling down, provide interesting insights into the dreamer’s conscious mind.

In addition, each room of the house is a specific symbolic element all its own.Dreaming of one room over another provides clues into your state of mind, your fears, and your anxieties. Let’s start our room by room examination of your “dream house”.

The Attic

The attic is thought to symbolize your higher self, or your spiritual development.Dreams involving an attic, or climbing into an attic, often represent the search for spiritual enlightenment or a higher purpose.

The Bathroom

Dreaming of a bathroom can mean that something is not quite right in your life, and that a cleansing or purging is needed.It can also mean that something in your life is not working, and that you need to move on.

The Kitchen

The kitchen can symbolize the need for nourishment, either in the form of food, or nourishment of the soul through spiritual pursuits.What is in your dream kitchen can be revealing as well.If the kitchen contains all that is needed for a gourmet meal, it can mean that you have all you need in life.If, on the other hand the cupboard is bare of the kitchen is empty, it could mean you need to seek nourishment for your body and your soul.

The Dining Room

Dreaming of the dining room is similar to dreaming of the kitchen, but the dining room tends to symbolize a more immediate need for physical or spiritual nourishment.

The Living Room

The living room is a symbol of your normal daily interactions with the other people in your life.Dreams often include meetings with many other people in the main room or living room of the house.

The Bedroom

Dreams of the bedroom can take several turns.They can be concerned with issues of rest, or with issues of repressed sexuality.

The Upstairs

The upstairs of your “dream house” is often a symbol of your spiritual awakening or your higher self.Dreaming of going upstairs can symbolize a desire for more spirituality or religious fulfillment.

The Downstairs

The downstairs, or basement of the house often symbolizes your subconscious minds and hidden desires.Dreaming of the basement, especially if the dreams are disturbing, is often an attempt to deal with negative aspects of your life or your personality.

The Ground Floor

The ground floor is often seen as a symbol of the current events and daily agenda of your life, or the mundane, everyday aspects of your existence.

Old, Familiar Houses

Revisiting an old, familiar house, or a childhood home, often represents a longing to return to a simpler time.Dreams of childhood homes can also occur when old issues from childhood are resurfacing in your life.Events such as school reunions, or unexpectedly meeting someone from your childhood, can trigger dreams of childhood and childhood houses.

The Hallway

A hallway in a dream can often symbolize the need for a journey to an unfamiliar place in your life, or the need to explore unexplored issues.

The Porch

The porch is often seen as a symbol of being undecided about something in your life.The porch can also be seen as a symbol of being withdrawn, uncommitted and unable to make a decision.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Dreams About Cheating

Dreams about cheating, either being cheated on or cheating yourself, are some of the most commonly reported, and most troubling, dreams there are.Many people take these dreams as prophecies, and accuse their spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend of cheating in real life.While these kinds of dreams are sometimes valid, most times they are not.

When a dream of a cheating spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend turns out to be accurate, it does not necessarily mean you are psychic.Rather, it probably means that your unconscious mind picked up on some subtle signals that your conscious mind either overlooked or blocked out.

For instance, things like a sudden change in wardrobe, new cologne or sudden interest in fitness can often signal a cheating spouse.It is possible that your unconcious took note of all these signals during the day, and then used your dream state to send a message

In most cases, however, a dream about a cheating boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse is not about the spouse at all.Rather, the dream is most likely caused by insecurity, anxiety or guilt on the part of the dreamer.

For instance, dreaming about catching your boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse with another partner probably indicates a deep seated anxiety on your part, either worry about your appearance, doubts about your attractiveness, or just generalized anxiety about the future.

Likewise, dreaming that you are cheating on your spouse or significant other can result from guilt you feel about other issues.In some cases these feelings of guilt are not even related to your relationship.

Rather, the guilt could be the result of anything from cutting corners at work to cheating on a test to being less than honest with family members.Thus the cheating is only a symbol of guilt you already feel, not a prediction that you will be stepping out on your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend.

Dreams about a boyfriend or girlfriend cheating on you tend to be fear based dreams.These dreams do not necessarily represent fear of being cheated on, although those fears can come out in dreams.Instead, the fear could be anything, from fear of failure on a project at work to fear of failing a test at school.

The fear expressed through a boyfriend/girlfriend cheating dream could also be the manifestation of a deep seated childhood fear of abandonment.Children of divorced parents, or children whose parent or parents have died, often express their fear of abandonment through bad dreams, and these dreams can morph into dreams where they are abandoned by a partner or a spouse.

Even though the issues expressed through dreams of cheating and being cheated on are not rooted in the relationship, it is always a good idea to work through the issues that caused the dreams.That is because the issues associated with these kinds of dreams, issues like trust and fear, are important things to work through.Issues with trust, and fear of abandonment can be very damaging to even the strongest relationship.

So whether you are the cheater or the cheatee in your dream, it is important to examine the situations you encounter in your dreams.The situations, places and people encountered while in a dream state often represent real people, places and objects, and learning the connections can allow you to correct the situations that are leading to such feelings of insecurity and anxiety.

What Dreams About The Back Mean

The back is one of the most commonly dreamed about parts of the body, and depending on its context within the dream the back can hold a great significance.

Backs can be symbols for many things, including your strengths, burdens, attitude and standing in the world.Dreaming of a back that hurts, or a back that feels as though it is breaking, can mean the dreamer feels overwhelmed or overburdened by the events in his or her life.Thus the dream is a manifestation of feelings of being asked to do too much with too little support.

Dreaming about a back can also indicate that the dreamer is feeling undue stress or pressure, especially from an outside source.Those who are feeling overworked or pushed to hard on their jobs often dream that their back is hurting.Stress is real life can cause back problems, and psychological stress can often manifest in dreams of an aching back

If someone in your dream world turns their back on you, it can indicate that you harbor feelings of hurt, envy or jealousy toward that person.The identify of the person who turns their back to you can be quite significant and it should be heeded.Repressed feelings of anger or resentment often manifest themselves in dreams, and the turning of a dream character’s back toward you is one of the clearest manifestations of repressed feelings of this nature.

Seeing a back in your dream, or being afraid to turn your back on a person in your dream, may also indicate that you fear a betrayal, either of a personal or professional nature.Dreaming about being afraid to turn your back to a coworker may indicate that you feel someone at work (not necessarily the person in the dream) is plotting against you.

If the character you refuse to turn your back on is a friend, you may feel the betrayal of a friend.Again, the friend you fear will betray you may not be the one who appeared in the dream.Dreams are symbolic, and one friend can be a dream stand-in for another, especially if you do not want to face up to the possibility of their betraying you.

If you dream about a naked back, it can mean that you are keeping secrets from those in your life, and that you fear that those secrets could be revealed and you could be exposed.Dreams of any sort of nakedness, including an exposed back, are often manifestations of this type of fear.If you have been keeping secrets, dreaming of a naked back may mean your subconscious is telling you to come clean.