
Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Dream categories

Dream researchers have discovered several distinct categories of dreams, and these dream categories can be very useful both to people attempting to interpret their own dreams and to professional psychologist and therapists striving to interpret the dreams of others.This article will discuss these categories of dreams.

1. The Daydream

While not technically a dream, since it takes place while we are awake, researchers are looking into just where the daydream fits on the spectrum of dreaming, and what it can teach us about more traditional dreams.

It is estimated that most people spend between 70 and 120 minutes each day engaged in daydreaming.Daydreaming is thought to be a level of consciousness below that of a normal waking state but above that of sleep.Daydreaming falls about midway between these two extremes.

During a daydream, we allow our imaginations to take us away from the mundane tasks of the day.As the mind is allowed to wander and conscious awareness is reduced, we can become lost in the fantasy or imaginary scenario.

2. The Lucid Dream

Lucid dreams are among the most fascinating subjects in all of dream research.Lucid dreaming takes place when the dreamer realizes that he or she is dreaming while still immersed in the dream.Lucid dreaming occurs in that moment when you tell yourself – “This is only a dream”.

The occurrence of lucid dreams varies widely from person to person, with some people reporting never having lucid dreams and others reporting almost 100% lucid dreams.

While most dreamers wake up when they realize that they are in a dream, other people are able to develop the ability to remain in the dream and take control of it.These people are able to become an active participant in their dreams, and to take the dream narrative where they want it to go.These people experience some of the most enjoyable and interesting dreams.

3.The Nightmare

Many people are troubled by frightening and disturbing dreams, commonly known as nightmares.Young children in particular often suffer from nightmares brought on by fears of monsters in their closets and under the bed, as well as other types of fear.

Of course nightmares are not confined to childhood, and many adults, particularly those who have suffered real life trauma, are particularly susceptible to nightmares.Those people suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as soldiers returning from war, and rescue workers who have been through harrowing situations, report a higher incidence of nightmares than the public at large.

Many people who suffer from frequent nightmares report a history of real life problems, including psychiatric problems, problems with drugs or alcohol, or problems with family relationships. Treatment for frequent nightmares should therefore be aimed at dealing with the initial trauma or traumas that created the situation in the first place.

4. The Recurring Dream

Most people have had a recurring dream at one point in their life, a dream that repeats itself, with minor variations or even none at all.Recurring dreams can be about any subject, and they focus on that subject night after night.

Some recurring dreams are positive and uplifting, but studies show the majority of recurring dreams to be negative in nature.Dreams can recur in this manner because the real life event that triggered it has remained unresolved.Dealing with the real life trauma responsible for recurring nightmares is often the best way to banish the bad dream.

Some dreamers report experiencing narrative dreams, in which the dream picks up where it left off night after night.These dreams are somewhat rare, but the people who experience them report them to be very vivid and memorable.Keeping a dream journal can be a big help in both remembering and interpreting these kinds of dreams.

5. The Healing Dream

Healing dreams are often seen as sending a message to the dreamer regarding his or her health.Healing dreams often spur the dreamer to take a long delayed trip to the dentist or doctor.

6. The Prophetic Dream

Prophetic dreams are also known as precognitive dreams, and the people experiencing these dreams often report the ability to use them to foretell the future.Independent studies of these types of dreams are rare, and the jury remains out on whether this ability to see the future exists.

One non supernatural explanation for the prophetic dream is that the subconscious mind pieces together bits of information encountered throughout the day, then puts them together in a form that makes sense to the dreamer.

7. The Epic Dreams

Epic dreams are somewhat rare, but they are unforgettable to those who experience them.Epic dreams are so vivid, and so compelling that they simply cannot be ignored.The tiniest details of these dreams are often remembered for many years.These epic dreams may possess lots of symbols and meaning for the dreamer.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Sigmund Freud Would Revolutionize

In the early part of the 19th century, dream interpretation had fallen out of fashion, and almost no one practiced this art seriously.In the early part of the century, dreams were thought to have no meaning at all, and to be simply the result of a heavy meal before bedtime, noises heard in the night and other trivial causes.

By the latter part of the 19th century, however, Sigmund Freud would revolutionize the world of dreams and dream interpretation with his radical new ideas incorporating dreams and deep seated childhood fears.

Born in 1865, Sigmund Freud revolutionized the world of psychiatry and dream interpretation with his seminal work “The Interpretation of Dreams”.Freud started to analyze the dreams of his patients, and he used this dream analysis to diagnose and treat their psychiatric ills

Freud also studied dreams as a way to understand certain aspects of the personality, especially those aspects that lead to psychological problems and disorders.Freud believed that nothing human beings did happened by chance, and that every action, no matter how small or seemingly trivial, was at some level motivated by the unconscious mind.

Of course in order for a civilized, modern society to function, certain primal needs and desires must be repressed, and Freud’s theory was that these repressed urges and desires were released by the unconscious during dream sleep.

Doctor Freud saw dreams as a direct connection to the unconscious mind, and he studied that connection through the interpretation of symbolic objects found in dreams.The theory was that with the conscious mind acts as a guard on the unconscious, preventing certain repressed feelings from coming to the surface.During sleep, however, this conscious guard is absent, and the subconscious mind is free to run wild and express its most hidden desires.

Freud was especially interested in the sexual content of dreams, and he often saw ordinary objects in dreams as representations of sexual desire.To Freud, every long, slender item encountered in a dream, from a knife to a flagpole, was a phallic image, while any receptacle such as a bowl or vase, represented the female genitalia.

Freud believed in five stages of personality, and he saw dreams as manifestations of desired stemming from each of these five stages.To Freud, personality formation consisted of:

Stage One – Oral/Dependency

Freud’s theory was that any needs not satisfied during the oral/dependency stage would cause the person to go through life trying to meet them.Thus, to Freud, habits such as overeating, drinking to much and smoking were all oral fixations.People suffering from these oral fixations often dreamed about their unmet needs and desires.

Stage Two – Anal/Potty Training

Freud held that improper potty training could traumatize a child, and cause him or her to become anal retentive, rigid and controlling.Such traumatized children often develop obsessive compulsive disorders as well.Recurring dreams of being out of control, such as dreams of falling were common in such people.

Stage Three – Phallic

According to Freud, the personality is completely developed by the time stage three rolls around.The third stage of personality is identified with the Oedipus and Electra complexes.The Oedipus complex represents the love a male child feels toward the mother, coupled with fear and jealousy of the male parent.The Electra complex is the female version of Oedipus, in which the female child feels anger toward the mother and develops “penis envy”.

Stage Four – Latency

Unlike the other stages, the latency period is a time of relative calm.During this stage, the aggression and sexual urges are less intense, and little psychosexual conflict is exhibited.

Stage Five – Genital

This is the period of sexual maturity and the creation and enhancement of life.The stage of sexual maturity is where reproduction, intellectual activity and artistic pursuits take place.

Freud believed that wish fulfillment was the source of dreams,and that dreamers used dreams as a way to satisfy the fixations they had developed during childhood.In addition, issues like power and control frequently manifested themselves in dreams.The central part of Freud’s dream theory was that thoughts and desires repressed during the day were free to run wild during the dream stage.

Since Freud’s death, many have criticized him for seeing sexual motivation behind every dream object.Many have pointed out that Freud was born into the sexually repressed Victorian era, and his preoccupation with sexual matters could have been as much a product of the times in which he lived as a valid scientific theory.Even so, many of Freud’s dream interpretations have proven valid and are still used by psychologists and dream researchers today.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Gli oggetti e symbolsin nostri sogni

Gli oggetti, i simboli e le persone che vediamo nei nostri sogni può essere sconcertante e confusione presso times.Dreams sembrano contenere la propria lingua, la lingua, e che possono essere difficili da leggere per coloro che non hanno familiarità con il sogno symbolism.There sono un certo numero di Simboli e sogni, che sono ritenuti universal.Some di questi temi universali includere battenti, in calo, di perdere i denti, e la mancanza di una test.In Oltre a questi simboli universali, tuttavia, vi sono una serie di altri importanti simboli incontrati e sogni.


Angeli sono generalmente considerati come simboli di bontà, di purezza e di wisdom.The comparsa di angeli in un sogno può essere una rappresentazione della ricerca spirituale, per la bontà, o il desiderio di migliorare il tuo live.Angels può anche essere simboli di enlightenment.Angels spesso appaiono E sogni come guide o teachers.The mente più spesso l'aspetto di vedere gli angeli come auspici o messaggi.


Animali incontrati in sogni sono spesso simboli della nostra natura animale o baser instincts.Animals può essere utilizzato anche da sognare la mente a simboleggiare desideri repressi.

L'esatta interpretazione di un animale sogno dipende in larga misura dal tipo di animale e dream.The la chiave per interpretare un animale sogno è quello di esaminare la natura degli animali sognato.


Sogni di nero oggetti possono simboleggiare una paura di affinamento e death.Black può anche rappresentare un vuoto percepito nella vita del sognatore.


Sangue e il sogno mondo può rappresentare il potere e la vitalità, ma l'esatto significato di sangue in un sogno è a seconda del contesto della dream.Violent sogni dove è fuoriuscito il sangue può rappresentare uno sconvolgimento emotivo o una perdita di control.On le altre mani , Il sangue sulle mani può rappresentare sentimenti di colpa.


Alla guida di una vettura in grado di rappresentare il tuo sogno e la gioia della libertà, mentre sognando di una vettura fuori controllo può simboleggiare pericolo o di una perdita di controllo.


Un sogno danza può avere molti significati diversi, a seconda della natura della danza e il suo contesto. Danza può essere un simbolo per sesso o per romance.Dancing in un sogno può anche essere un simbolo di libertà.


Sognare uova può significare uno sforzo per il rinnovo o la rinascita, o una sensazione di pienezza e di rotture di unity.Dreaming uova, d'altro canto, può rappresentare una sconvolgente di fede o di una frantumazione delle illusioni.


Il sogno di nebbia può significare il sognatore è confused.Fog in un sogno può anche significare siete pronti per esplorare parti inesplorate della tua vita o la tua personalità.


Un sogno può essere o cancello di ingresso o di uscita, un approfondimento sulla quale modo è oscillante.


Sognare la malattia può essere un indizio che avete bisogno di chiedere aiuto per un fisico ailment.The inconscio mente può essere più consapevoli della condizione del corpo che la mente cosciente.


Trovare le chiavi in un sogno possibile indicare se si hanno tenuto un segreto, o che si sono via un segreto di bloccaggio vita.


Sogni in cui si sono arrampicata montagna può simboleggiare la realizzazione o il raggiungimento di un obiettivo per i livelli più alti di success.Dreams in cui siete una scalata in montagna può significare che hai raggiunto i tuoi obiettivi.


Sogni di gufi in grado di rappresentare il bisogno di conoscenze e di wisdom.In alcuni casi, la civetta può essere una rappresentazione fisica del subconscio mind.In molti casi, i gufi sono utilizzati per fornire messaggi e sogni.


La strada visto in sogno può indicare la direzione del sognatore è diretto, e la natura della strada in grado di indicare la natura della percezione journey.A lungo rettilineo della strada può significare liscia vela avanti, mentre una tortuosa strada accidentata o percepito può indicare difficoltà Lungo il percorso.


Sogni di salire le scale può significare raggiungere uno o di un anelito di più elevati livelli di consapevolezza, mentre ritiene di discendere le scale può significare si teme una diminuzione di stato.


Il sogno di andare sotterraneo può simboleggiare un viaggio nel subconscio, oppure può significare che il sognatore è wrestling con problemi di lui o lei ha paura di face.In Inoltre, venturing sotterraneo durante un sogno può significare il sognatore è pronta a esplorare le questioni precedentemente nascoste .

Sogni di barare

Sogni di barare, o di essere imbrogliati o barare te, sono alcune delle più comunemente riportati, e più preoccupante, sogni vi are.Many persone prendere questi sogni come profezie, e accusano i loro coniuge, fidanzato o della fidanzata barare nella vita reale. Mentre questo tipo di sogni sono a volte validi, il più delle volte non lo sono.

Quando un sogno di una truffa coniuge, ragazzo o ragazza risulta essere precisi, che non significa necessariamente che stai psychic.Rather, probabilmente significa che il tuo inconscio mente raccolti su alcuni sottili segnali che il tuo mente cosciente sia trascurato o bloccati fuori .

Per esempio, le cose come un improvviso cambiamento nel guardaroba, nuova colonia o improvviso interesse per il fitness può spesso segnale di un inganno spouse.It è possibile che il tuo inconscio ha preso atto di tutti questi segnali durante il giorno, e quindi il tuo sogno stato utilizzato per inviare un Messaggio

Nella maggior parte dei casi, tuttavia, un sogno di un inganno fidanzato, fidanzata o coniuge non è circa il coniuge a all.Rather, il sogno è causato molto probabilmente da insicurezza, ansia o colpa da parte del sognatore.

Per esempio, sognare cattura il tuo fidanzato, fidanzata con il coniuge o un altro partner, probabilmente indica una profonda ansia seduto da parte vostra, o preoccuparsi tuo aspetto, i dubbi sulla sua capacità di attrazione, o semplicemente generalizzata ansia per il futuro.

Allo stesso modo, che si sta sognando barare sul tuo coniuge o altri significativi possono derivare da colpa si sente su altri issues.In alcuni casi, questi sentimenti di colpa non sono ancora collegati al tuo rapporto.

Piuttosto, la colpa potrebbe essere il risultato di qualche cosa da angoli di taglio a barare al lavoro su un test a meno di essere onesti con la famiglia members.Thus barare è solo un simbolo di colpa che già si sentono, non una previsione del fatto che sarà il rafforzamento Sul tuo marito, moglie, ragazzo o ragazza.

Sogni di un ragazzo o ragazza barare su di voi tendono ad essere basati paura dreams.These sogni non rappresentano necessariamente la paura di essere truffati, anche se tali timori possono uscire in dreams.Instead, la paura può essere qualsiasi cosa, dalla paura di fallire su Un progetto al lavoro per paura di fallire un test a scuola.

Il timore espresso attraverso un ragazzo / ragazza barare sogno potrebbe anche essere la manifestazione di una profonda seduto infanzia paura di abandonment.Children di genitori divorziati, o bambini i cui genitori sono morti o genitori, che spesso esprimono il loro timore di abbandono attraverso cattivi sogni, e questi Sogni possono morph sogni in cui sono abbandonati da un partner o un coniuge.

Anche se le questioni espresse attraverso i sogni di barare e di essere ingannato sulla non sono radicate nel rapporto, è sempre una buona idea di lavorare con i problemi che ha causato il dreams.That è dovuto al fatto che i problemi associati a questi tipi di sogni, questioni come Fiducia e la paura, sono cose importanti through.Issues a lavorare con fiducia, e la paura di abbandono può essere molto dannoso anche per la più forte rapporto.

Quindi, se voi siete i cheater o il cheatee nel tuo sogno, è importante esaminare le situazioni che incontrate nel vostro dreams.The situazioni, i luoghi e le persone incontrate, mentre in un sogno stato spesso rappresentano vere persone, luoghi e oggetti, e l'apprendimento Collegamenti può consentire di correggere le situazioni che portano a tali sentimenti di ansia e di insicurezza.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Dreams About Houses

Dreams about houses are among the most common.Dreams, both of familiar and unfamiliar houses, are great fun to interpret, and they can even reveal clues into the personality of the dreamer.Clues like whether the house is familiar or strange, comforting or scary, in good repair or falling down, provide interesting insights into the dreamer’s conscious mind.

In addition, each room of the house is a specific symbolic element all its own.Dreaming of one room over another provides clues into your state of mind, your fears, and your anxieties. Let’s start our room by room examination of your “dream house”.

The Attic

The attic is thought to symbolize your higher self, or your spiritual development.Dreams involving an attic, or climbing into an attic, often represent the search for spiritual enlightenment or a higher purpose.

The Bathroom

Dreaming of a bathroom can mean that something is not quite right in your life, and that a cleansing or purging is needed.It can also mean that something in your life is not working, and that you need to move on.

The Kitchen

The kitchen can symbolize the need for nourishment, either in the form of food, or nourishment of the soul through spiritual pursuits.What is in your dream kitchen can be revealing as well.If the kitchen contains all that is needed for a gourmet meal, it can mean that you have all you need in life.If, on the other hand the cupboard is bare of the kitchen is empty, it could mean you need to seek nourishment for your body and your soul.

The Dining Room

Dreaming of the dining room is similar to dreaming of the kitchen, but the dining room tends to symbolize a more immediate need for physical or spiritual nourishment.

The Living Room

The living room is a symbol of your normal daily interactions with the other people in your life.Dreams often include meetings with many other people in the main room or living room of the house.

The Bedroom

Dreams of the bedroom can take several turns.They can be concerned with issues of rest, or with issues of repressed sexuality.

The Upstairs

The upstairs of your “dream house” is often a symbol of your spiritual awakening or your higher self.Dreaming of going upstairs can symbolize a desire for more spirituality or religious fulfillment.

The Downstairs

The downstairs, or basement of the house often symbolizes your subconscious minds and hidden desires.Dreaming of the basement, especially if the dreams are disturbing, is often an attempt to deal with negative aspects of your life or your personality.

The Ground Floor

The ground floor is often seen as a symbol of the current events and daily agenda of your life, or the mundane, everyday aspects of your existence.

Old, Familiar Houses

Revisiting an old, familiar house, or a childhood home, often represents a longing to return to a simpler time.Dreams of childhood homes can also occur when old issues from childhood are resurfacing in your life.Events such as school reunions, or unexpectedly meeting someone from your childhood, can trigger dreams of childhood and childhood houses.

The Hallway

A hallway in a dream can often symbolize the need for a journey to an unfamiliar place in your life, or the need to explore unexplored issues.

The Porch

The porch is often seen as a symbol of being undecided about something in your life.The porch can also be seen as a symbol of being withdrawn, uncommitted and unable to make a decision.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Dreams About Cheating

Dreams about cheating, either being cheated on or cheating yourself, are some of the most commonly reported, and most troubling, dreams there are.Many people take these dreams as prophecies, and accuse their spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend of cheating in real life.While these kinds of dreams are sometimes valid, most times they are not.

When a dream of a cheating spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend turns out to be accurate, it does not necessarily mean you are psychic.Rather, it probably means that your unconscious mind picked up on some subtle signals that your conscious mind either overlooked or blocked out.

For instance, things like a sudden change in wardrobe, new cologne or sudden interest in fitness can often signal a cheating spouse.It is possible that your unconcious took note of all these signals during the day, and then used your dream state to send a message

In most cases, however, a dream about a cheating boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse is not about the spouse at all.Rather, the dream is most likely caused by insecurity, anxiety or guilt on the part of the dreamer.

For instance, dreaming about catching your boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse with another partner probably indicates a deep seated anxiety on your part, either worry about your appearance, doubts about your attractiveness, or just generalized anxiety about the future.

Likewise, dreaming that you are cheating on your spouse or significant other can result from guilt you feel about other issues.In some cases these feelings of guilt are not even related to your relationship.

Rather, the guilt could be the result of anything from cutting corners at work to cheating on a test to being less than honest with family members.Thus the cheating is only a symbol of guilt you already feel, not a prediction that you will be stepping out on your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend.

Dreams about a boyfriend or girlfriend cheating on you tend to be fear based dreams.These dreams do not necessarily represent fear of being cheated on, although those fears can come out in dreams.Instead, the fear could be anything, from fear of failure on a project at work to fear of failing a test at school.

The fear expressed through a boyfriend/girlfriend cheating dream could also be the manifestation of a deep seated childhood fear of abandonment.Children of divorced parents, or children whose parent or parents have died, often express their fear of abandonment through bad dreams, and these dreams can morph into dreams where they are abandoned by a partner or a spouse.

Even though the issues expressed through dreams of cheating and being cheated on are not rooted in the relationship, it is always a good idea to work through the issues that caused the dreams.That is because the issues associated with these kinds of dreams, issues like trust and fear, are important things to work through.Issues with trust, and fear of abandonment can be very damaging to even the strongest relationship.

So whether you are the cheater or the cheatee in your dream, it is important to examine the situations you encounter in your dreams.The situations, places and people encountered while in a dream state often represent real people, places and objects, and learning the connections can allow you to correct the situations that are leading to such feelings of insecurity and anxiety.

What Dreams About The Back Mean

The back is one of the most commonly dreamed about parts of the body, and depending on its context within the dream the back can hold a great significance.

Backs can be symbols for many things, including your strengths, burdens, attitude and standing in the world.Dreaming of a back that hurts, or a back that feels as though it is breaking, can mean the dreamer feels overwhelmed or overburdened by the events in his or her life.Thus the dream is a manifestation of feelings of being asked to do too much with too little support.

Dreaming about a back can also indicate that the dreamer is feeling undue stress or pressure, especially from an outside source.Those who are feeling overworked or pushed to hard on their jobs often dream that their back is hurting.Stress is real life can cause back problems, and psychological stress can often manifest in dreams of an aching back

If someone in your dream world turns their back on you, it can indicate that you harbor feelings of hurt, envy or jealousy toward that person.The identify of the person who turns their back to you can be quite significant and it should be heeded.Repressed feelings of anger or resentment often manifest themselves in dreams, and the turning of a dream character’s back toward you is one of the clearest manifestations of repressed feelings of this nature.

Seeing a back in your dream, or being afraid to turn your back on a person in your dream, may also indicate that you fear a betrayal, either of a personal or professional nature.Dreaming about being afraid to turn your back to a coworker may indicate that you feel someone at work (not necessarily the person in the dream) is plotting against you.

If the character you refuse to turn your back on is a friend, you may feel the betrayal of a friend.Again, the friend you fear will betray you may not be the one who appeared in the dream.Dreams are symbolic, and one friend can be a dream stand-in for another, especially if you do not want to face up to the possibility of their betraying you.

If you dream about a naked back, it can mean that you are keeping secrets from those in your life, and that you fear that those secrets could be revealed and you could be exposed.Dreams of any sort of nakedness, including an exposed back, are often manifestations of this type of fear.If you have been keeping secrets, dreaming of a naked back may mean your subconscious is telling you to come clean.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Dreams About Arms

Seeing arms, either your own or someone else’s in a dream is very common.While arms do not always have special significance in dreams, arms can be very significant under some circumstances.

Dreams in which details about arms remembered are likely to be significant, since it tends to be the most significant details that are remembered upon waking.Since dreams fade so quickly, if you are able to remember how arms figured in your dreams, chances are the dream had something important to tell you.

When you see your arms in a dream, especially when they represent an important part of the dream narrative, those arms may be symbols for your nurturing side, and for your desire to reach out and care for the people around you.Dreaming about arms is particularly common in people who are currently caring for, or worried about, a sick friend or family member.Reaching out with the arms in a dream is your mind’s way of telling you how important it is to connect and care for those around you.

Dreams about arms can also be indications of the challenges and struggles in your life.Again, the exact meaning will depend on the context of the arms within the dream narrative.Using your hands and arms for defense can indicate you feel like you are under attack, or that you need to defend yourself.

The impetus for this kind of dream about arms could come from many sources.For instance, perhaps you feel like you are being unfairly singled out for criticism in your job, and you feel a desire to strike back or defend yourself against the onslaught.Or perhaps you feel overwhelmed by events in your life, and you feel the need to struggle against those challenges.

Dreams in which your arm is injured, or dreams in which you appear with your arm in a cast, can signify that you feel an inability to care for yourself.These kind of injured or broken arm dreams an also mean that you are feeling helpless in being able to care for others.People who are caring for a friend or family member whose medical condition is beyond their control may experience dreams in which their arm is injured, or they may see themselves in a cast.

A dream about a broken or injured arm can also mean that the dreamer has been feeling restricted or limited in his or her activities.Seeing yourself constrained in the dream, by a cast or a broken arm, can be a symbol of your perceived restriction of freedom or movement.

The specific arm featured in the dream also carries a significance.The right arm is often seen as a symbol for an outgoing nature, and the right arm is often associated with the masculine side of the dreamer’s nature.The left arm, on the other hand, is more associated with female characteristics, such as nurturing and caring.

A dream in which the dreamer injures someone else’s arms, or even rips them from their sockets, indicate that the dreamer has been repressing anger towards another person, but has been prevented from expressing that anger for one reason or another.Like most dreams about violence, this type of dream stems from a repressed anger and a perceived inability to do anything about it.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Dream Workers ( German language)

Mein Freund und ich denke an das Schreiben eines Romans zusammen. Sie hat ein paar Dinge, in den Genres Science Fiction, ein Genre ich nichts weiß. Wir denken, dass es wird etwas sci-fi wie Never Let Me Go oder The Handmaid's Tale. In der Tat, die Handlung, die wir entwickelt haben, so weit zu viel klingt wie Ishiguro Roman! Unsere jüngsten Gespräche erinnerte mich an diesen Passus:

"Aber wir haben noch zu erklären, wie Träume, die aus unbewussten verursacht zu große Störung. Bei dem Versuch zu tun, ist es hilfreich zu nutzen, noch eine Metapher, dieses Mal von der Deutung der Träume. Die Metapher ist aufschlussreich, weil Es weist auf die Zugehörigkeit der Träume auf die schriftliche Sprache. Dreams, sagte Freud, wie die Presse unter einem autokratischen Regime, sind das Ergebnis eines Kompromisses zwischen den Reportern des Unbewußten und der Zensur, die überwacht und bearbeitet das Material vorgelegt. Aber wie Schriftsteller in solchen Regimes entdeckt haben, gibt es Möglichkeiten, sich rund um Zensur: "zum Beispiel, so kann er beschreiben einer Streitigkeit zwischen zwei Mandarinen im Reich der Mitte, wenn die Menschen, die er im Auge hat, sind die Beamten in seinem eigenen Land" (SE 4, S. 142). Wie zensiert Schriftsteller, Träume Arbeitsmarkt unter dem doppelten Imperativ zu zeigen, und um ihre eigenen Bedeutungen. Sie sind nicht eigensicheren "witzig und genial", wie die Fußnote zu unserer heutigen Passage Staaten, sondern vielmehr "gezwungen werden, so "Durch die Tatsache, dass" die direkte und einfachste Weg, um den Ausdruck ihrer Gedanken ist gesperrt. "Freuds Wendung für diese gezwungen, Witz und Einfallsreichtum -- die" Traum - Arbeit "(Traumarbeit) -- ist sehr genauer: in Ermangelung Eine direkte und einfache Wege zur Zufriedenheit, Träume sind gezwungen zu arbeiten, zu weben peinlich verkleidet und machen labyrinthisch Umwege. Sie verdrängen und kondensieren Bedeutungen, schmieden, ein System der schrägen verbale und visuelle Darstellung Ersatz für die genauere Wortschatz und Syntax unserer Wachen. Freud festgestellt, zum Beispiel, dass Träume besitzen keine Möglichkeit, die "entweder / oder" (in dieser Hinsicht sie natürlich tragen die Marke ihrer unbewussten Quellen) andere als Ungenauigkeit (akustisch oder visuell). Das, was das erwachende Geist vertritt als ähnlich, die träumen Geist vertritt als einheitliches, aber was wir bewusst wahrnehmen, als eine logische Beziehung zwischen zwei Personen gestaltet von der Traum durch Gleichzeitigkeit in der Zeit. Schmerzhafte Emotionen betrifft oder deren direkter Ausdruck mit der Zensur der Marker Stift sind Umgekehrt, wie im Traum Freud Datensätze, in denen ein älterer Herr Register seiner morbiden Traurigkeit an seinem Tod behindern, als "ungebremste Lachen

Eine kleine Nachlese Factory: Traum Arbeitnehmer

Friday, November 9, 2007

Dream Workers

My friend and I are thinking of writing a novel together. She's has written a few things, in the science fiction genre, a genre I know nothing about. We're thinking that it's going to be somewhat sci-fi like Never Let Me Go or The Handmaid's Tale. In fact, the plot that we've devised so far sounds too much like Ishiguro's novel! Our recent conversations reminded me of this passage:

"But we've yet to explain how dreams keep the unconscious from causing too great a disturbance. In attempting to do so, it's helpful to make use of yet another metaphor, this time from The Interpretation of Dreams itself. The metaphor is instructive because it points to the affinity of dreams to written language. Dreams, said Freud, like the press under an autocratic regime, are the outcome of a compromise between the reporters of the unconscious and the censor, who monitors and edits the material submitted. But as writers in such regimes have discovered, there are ways of getting around censorship: 'for instance, he may describe a dispute between two Mandarins in the Middle Kingdom, when the people he has in mind are officials in his own country' (SE 4, p. 142). Like censored writers, dreams labour under the double imperative to reveal and to conceal their own meanings. They are not intrinsically 'witty and ingenious', as the footnote to our present passage states, but rather 'forced into becoming so' by the fact that, 'the direct and easiest pathways to the expression of their thoughts is barred'. Freud's coinage for this forced wit and ingenuity--the 'dream-work' (Traumarbeit)--is very precise: in the absence of a direct and easy pathways to satisfaction, dreams are forced to work, to weave painstaking disguises and make labyrinthine detours. They displace and condense meanings, forge a system of oblique verbal and visual representation to substitute for the more exact vocabulary and syntax of our waking language. Freud noted, for example, that dreams possess no means of representing 'either/or' (in this regard they of course bear the mark of their unconscious sources) other than as vagueness (auditory or visual). That which the waking mind represents as similar, the dreaming mind represents as unified, whilst what we consciously perceive as a logical relation between two entities is figured by the dream by means of simultaneity in time. Painful affects or emotions whose direct expression meet with the censor's marker pen are reversed, as in the dream Freud records in which an elderly gentleman registers his morbid sadness at his impeding death, as 'unrestrained laughter

A Small Gleaning Factory: Dream Workers

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dream Interpretation and Types of Dreams

Dream researchers have discovered several distinct categories of dreams, and these dream categories can be very useful both to people attempting to interpret their own dreams and to professional psychologist and therapists striving to interpret the dreams of others. This article will discuss these categories of dreams.

1. The Daydream
While not technically a dream, since it takes place while we are awake, researchers are looking into just where the daydream fits on the spectrum of dreaming, and what it can teach us about more traditional dreams.

It is estimated that most people spend between 70 and 120 minutes each day engaged in daydreaming. Daydreaming is thought to be a level of consciousness below that of a normal waking state but above that of sleep. Daydreaming falls about midway between these two extremes.

During a daydream, we allow our imaginations to take us away from the mundane tasks of the day. As the mind is allowed to wander and conscious awareness is reduced, we can become lost in the fantasy or imaginary scenario.

2. The Lucid Dream
Lucid dreams are among the most fascinating subjects in all of dream research. Lucid dreaming takes place when the dreamer realizes that he or she is dreaming while still immersed in the dream. Lucid dreaming occurs in that moment when you tell yourself – “This is only a dream”.

The occurrence of lucid dreams varies widely from person to person, with some people reporting never having lucid dreams and others reporting almost 100% lucid dreams.

While most dreamers wake up when they realize that they are in a dream, other people are able to develop the ability to remain in the dream and take control of it. These people are able to become an active participant in their dreams, and to take the dream narrative where they want it to go. These people experience some of the most enjoyable and interesting dreams.

3. The Nightmare
Many people are troubled by frightening and disturbing dreams, commonly known as nightmares. Young children in particular often suffer from nightmares brought on by fears of monsters in their closets and under the bed, as well as other types of fear.

Of course nightmares are not confined to childhood, and many adults, particularly those who have suffered real life trauma, are particularly susceptible to nightmares. Those people suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as soldiers returning from war, and rescue workers who have been through harrowing situations, report a higher incidence of nightmares than the public at large.

Many people who suffer from frequent nightmares report a history of real life problems, including psychiatric problems, problems with drugs or alcohol, or problems with family relationships. Treatment for frequent nightmares should therefore be aimed at dealing with the initial trauma or traumas that created the situation in the first place.

4. The Recurring Dream
Most people have had a recurring dream at one point in their life, a dream that repeats itself, with minor variations or even none at all. Recurring dreams can be about any subject, and they focus on that subject night after night.

Some recurring dreams are positive and uplifting, but studies show the majority of recurring dreams to be negative in nature. Dreams can recur in this manner because the real life event that triggered it has remained unresolved. Dealing with the real life trauma responsible for recurring nightmares is often the best way to banish the bad dream.

Some dreamers report experiencing narrative dreams, in which the dream picks up where it left off night after night. These dreams are somewhat rare, but the people who experience them report them to be very vivid and memorable. Keeping a dream journal can be a big help in both remembering and interpreting these kinds of dreams.

5. The Healing Dream
Healing dreams are often seen as sending a message to the dreamer regarding his or her health. Healing dreams often spur the dreamer to take a long delayed trip to the dentist or doctor.

6. The Prophetic Dream
Prophetic dreams are also known as precognitive dreams, and the people experiencing these dreams often report the ability to use them to foretell the future. Independent studies of these types of dreams are rare, and the jury remains out on whether this ability to see the future exists.

One non supernatural explanation for the prophetic dream is that the subconscious mind pieces together bits of information encountered throughout the day, then puts them together in a form that makes sense to the dreamer.

7. The Epic Dreams
Epic dreams are somewhat rare, but they are unforgettable to those who experience them. Epic dreams are so vivid, and so compelling that they simply cannot be ignored. The tiniest details of these dreams are often remembered for many years. These epic dreams may possess lots of symbols and meaning for the dreamer.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Dreaming About People

People often wonder if the people encountered in dreams are actual, real people, or simply manifestations of their own personality and emotions. Most modern dream interpretation holds that the people in dreams are not actual people at all, but rather symbols for parts of your own personality.

Therefore, the bubbly, exuberant blonde in your dream may into be a real person at all, but rather a side of your personality that you have been afraid to express.

Likewise, negative people encountered in dreams are often manifestations of those parts of the personality that you are ashamed of or wish to repress. Therefore, dreaming of a person you do not like could mean that you need to alter your thinking and be more open minded and accepting of others.

When examining the people in your dreams, it is always a good idea to examine the personalities of these people and try to examine what they might be trying to tell you. Examining parts of your personality you do not like can be a positive result of dream interpretation.

When interpreting dreams about other people, it is important to remember that in the vast majority of cases dreams are about yourself, not about other people. Thus, the people you meet and interact with in your dreams are much more likely to be physical symbols of your own thoughts and desires as they are to be actual representations of actual people.

Therefore, interpreting dreams about other people can be a great way to work through personality and identity issues, and many psychologists and therapists use this approach to dream interpretation.

Of course there are instances in which the people you dream of really do represent actual people. Sometimes these people are relatives or friends who have passed on, while at other times they may be famous people or movie stars whom who have never met.

Dreams in which you meet movie stars or other famous people often represent a longing for something you want but cannot achieve. Sometimes the dream simply represents a conscious desire to meet the person in your dream, but most often the movie star represents something you have been striving for but failing to achieve. This kind of dream is often a way of urging you to try harder to reach your goals.

Many ancient cultures put great stock in dreams which featured departed relatives, and many of these cultures thought of the dream state as the time when the soul left the body to roam free in the spirit world. Even today, many people take dreams of departed relatives or friends very seriously, and they give these dreams many layers of meaning.

These types of spiritual dreams can indeed be very valuable to the dreamer, and a great source of comfort in a time of need. Whether they represent the convergence of souls on the other side, or just the unconscious desire to have the person back in their life, these dreams are some of the best and most fulfilling there are.

Dream Interpretation and Sigmund Freud

In the early part of the 19th century, dream interpretation had fallen out of fashion, and almost no one practiced this art seriously. In the early part of the century, dreams were thought to have no meaning at all, and to be simply the result of a heavy meal before bedtime, noises heard in the night and other trivial causes.
By the latter part of the 19th century, however, Sigmund Freud would revolutionize the world of dreams and dream interpretation with his radical new ideas incorporating dreams and deep seated childhood fears.
Born in 1865, Sigmund Freud revolutionized the world of psychiatry and dream interpretation with his seminal work “The Interpretation of Dreams”. Freud started to analyze the dreams of his patients, and he used this dream analysis to diagnose and treat their psychiatric ills.
Freud also studied dreams as a way to understand certain aspects of the personality, especially those aspects that lead to psychological problems and disorders. Freud believed that nothing human beings did happened by chance, and that every action, no matter how small or seemingly trivial, was at some level motivated by the unconscious mind.
Of course in order for a civilized, modern society to function, certain primal needs and desires must be repressed, and Freud’s theory was that these repressed urges and desires were released by the unconscious during dream sleep.
Doctor Freud saw dreams as a direct connection to the unconscious mind, and he studied that connection through the interpretation of symbolic objects found in dreams. The theory was that with the conscious mind acts as a guard on the unconscious, preventing certain repressed feelings from coming to the surface. During sleep, however, this conscious guard is absent, and the subconscious mind is free to run wild and express its most hidden desires.
Freud was especially interested in the sexual content of dreams, and he often saw ordinary objects in dreams as representations of sexual desire. To Freud, every long, slender item encountered in a dream, from a knife to a flagpole, was a phallic image, while any receptacle such as a bowl or vase, represented the female genitalia.
Freud believed in five stages of personality, and he saw dreams as manifestations of desired stemming from each of these five stages. To Freud, personality formation consisted of:
Stage One – Oral/Dependency

Freud’s theory was that any needs not satisfied during the oral/dependency stage would cause the person to go through life trying to meet them. Thus, to Freud, habits such as overeating, drinking to much and smoking were all oral fixations. People suffering from these oral fixations often dreamed about their unmet needs and desires.

Stage Two – Anal/Potty Training

Freud held that improper potty training could traumatize a child, and cause him or her to become anal retentive, rigid and controlling. Such traumatized children often develop obsessive compulsive disorders as well. Recurring dreams of being out of control, such as dreams of falling were common in such people.

Stage Three – Phallic

According to Freud, the personality is completely developed by the time stage three rolls around. The third stage of personality is identified with the Oedipus and Electra complexes. The Oedipus complex represents the love a male child feels toward the mother, coupled with fear and jealousy of the male parent. The Electra complex is the female version of Oedipus, in which the female child feels anger toward the mother and develops “penis envy”.

Stage Four – Latency

Unlike the other stages, the latency period is a time of relative calm. During this stage, the aggression and sexual urges are less intense, and little psychosexual conflict is exhibited.

Stage Five – Genital

This is the period of sexual maturity and the creation and enhancement of life. The stage of sexual maturity is where reproduction, intellectual activity and artistic pursuits take place.

Freud believed that wish fulfillment was the source of dreams, and that dreamers used dreams as a way to satisfy the fixations they had developed during childhood. In addition, issues like power and control frequently manifested themselves in dreams. The central part of Freud’s dream theory was that thoughts and desires repressed during the day were free to run wild during the dream stage.

Since Freud’s death, many have criticized him for seeing sexual motivation behind every dream object. Many have pointed out that Freud was born into the sexually repressed Victorian era, and his preoccupation with sexual matters could have been as much a product of the times in which he lived as a valid scientific theory. Even so, many of Freud’s dream interpretations have proven valid and are still used by psychologists and dream researchers today.

Common Symbols Seen in Dreams

The objects, symbols and people we see in our dreams can be baffling and confusing at times. Dreams seem to contain their own particular language, and that language can be difficult to read for those who are unfamiliar with dream symbolism. There are a number of symbols in dreams that are thought to be universal. Some of these universal themes include flying, falling, losing teeth, and failing a test. In addition to these universal symbols, however, there are a number of other important symbols encountered in dreams.

Angels are typically seen as symbols of goodness, purity and wisdom. The appearance of angels in a dream can be a representation of the quest for spiritual goodness, or a desire to improve your live. Angels can also be symbols of enlightenment. Angels often appear in dreams as guides or teachers. The more spiritually minded often see the appearance of angels as omens or messages.

Animals encountered in dreams are often symbols of our own animal nature or baser instincts. Animals can also be used by the dreaming mind to symbolize repressed desires.

The exact interpretation of an animal dream depends in large measure on the type of animal in the dream. The key to interpreting an animal dream is to examine the nature of the animal dreamed about.

Dreams about black objects can symbolize a fear of aging and death. Black can also represent a perceived void in the dreamer’s life.

Blood in the dream world can represent power and vitality, but the exact meaning of blood in a dream is depending on the context of the dream. Violent dreams where blood is spilled can represent an emotional upheaval or a loss of control. On the other hands, blood on the hands can represent feelings of guilt.

Driving a car in your dream can represent the joy of freedom, while dreaming of a car out of control can symbolize danger or a loss of control.

A dream dance can have many different meanings, depending on the nature of the dance and its context. Dancing can be a symbol for sex, or for romance. Dancing in a dream can also be a symbol of freedom.

Dreaming about eggs can mean a striving for renewal or rebirth, or a feeling of wholeness and unity. Dreaming of broken eggs, on the other hand, can represent a shattering of faith or a shattering of illusions.

Dreaming of fog can mean the dreamer is confused. Fog in a dream can also mean you are ready to explore unexplored parts of your life or your personality.

A dream gate can be either an entrance or an exit, deepening on which way it is swinging.

Dreaming about sickness can be an indication that you need to seek help for a physical ailment. The unconscious mind can be more aware of the body’s condition than the conscious mind.

Finding keys in a dream can indicate you have been keeping a secret, or that you are locking away a secret life.

Dreams in which you are climbing a mountain can symbolize achieving a goal or reaching for higher levels of success. Dreams in which you are climbing down a mountain can mean that you have reached your goals.

Dreams of owls can represent the need for knowledge and wisdom. In some cases, the owl can be a physical representation of the subconscious mind. In many cases, owls are used to deliver messages in dreams.

The road seen in a dream can indicate the direction the dreamer is headed, and the nature of the road can indicate the perceived nature of the journey. A long straight road can mean smooth sailing ahead, while a winding or bumpy road can indicate perceived difficulties along the way.

Dreams of climbing stairs can mean a reaching or a yearning for higher levels of awareness, while deems of descending stairs can mean you fear a diminishing status.

Dreaming of going underground can symbolize a journey to the subconscious, or it can mean that the dreamer is wrestling with issues he or she is afraid to face. In addition, venturing underground during a dream can mean the dreamer is ready to explore previously hidden issues.

Babies And Dreaming

Understanding how we dream and why we dream is vital to proper dream interpretation and analysis, and one of the most fascinating areas of dreaming involves the study of babies and young children. Scientists have known for some time now that babies, and all other human beings, dream every night. Many studies have even suggested that babies begin dreaming before they are born.

What these babies dream about, of course, is still a mystery, but a recent study has shown that babies spent considerably more of their sleep time engaged in dream sleep. In the study, babies were found to spend approximately two thirds of their sleep time in the REM state, compared to an average of 15% to 20% for most adults.

In trying to understand the importance of dream sleep to young babies, scientists have theorized that REM sleep plays an important role in the development of the baby’s brain. One reason for this theory is that babies born prematurely have been seen to spend an even greater percentage of their sleep in the REM state than full term babies. Premature babies can spend up to 80% of their sleep time in the REM state.

As babies become older, and the brain matures, the amount of time spent in dream sleep begins to decrease. By the time the average baby is one year old, the percentage of sleep time spent in the REM sleep has dropped to 35%. This finding is thought to suggest that REM sleep is important to the baby’s mental development. It is known that adults deprived of REM sleep suffer from a variety of psychological problems, so it makes sense that REM sleep and mental development are connected.

As a matter of fact, many scientists and dream researchers believe that dreaming is a way that the mind is exercised and provided with much needed stimulation. Therefore, babies, who do not get as much stimulation as older people, need more stimulation thorugh the dream state. As babies get older and begin to experience more stimulation from the real world, they need less stimulation and mental exercise from the dream world.

Knowing that babies dream is certainly important to parents, just as understanding that young children often suffer from nightmares is important for parents to be able to soothe and comfort the fears experienced by their sons and daughters.

Dream research has revealed that babies can have bad dreams and nightmares as well as positive dreams. Therefore, when the baby wakes up crying in the middle of the night, it may be the result of a bad dream and not gas, hunger of the need for a diaper change. In most cases, comforting the child will help he or she to fall asleep.

As children get older, it is easier for parents to at least understand the nightmares they may suffer from. Nightmares usually begin to occur by the time the child is three years old, and they most often continue until the child reaches the age of six or seven. These types of nightmares often take the form of a fear of monsters in the closet, under the bed or in other hidden places.

No one knows for sure why we dream, but the fact that young children, and even babies, spend much of their lives in dream sleep is proof of the universal nature of dreaming and the importance of dream interpretation.

Archetypal Symbols In Dreams

Archetypes are among the most powerful and most significant of all items found in dreams, and they are of great interest to dream interpreters and to dream researchers and scientists alike. At its simplest, an archetype is a prototype, or an original copy, of any object or experience. An archetype can also refer to the prefect example of an object – the object by which all others are judged.

This article will examine several important prototypes encountered in dream interpretation. The first of these archetypes is the animus.

The animus is a term used by psychologist Carl Jung to represent the masculine side of the female. Jung felt that women possessed a unconscious masculine imprint, and he called this imprint the animus.

Women become familiar with the nature of the animus through a constant questioning of ideas and opinions, and of gender roles and identity. When coming to terms with her masculine side, the woman learns to criticize her opinions and hold them at a distance. This does not mean repressing those opinions; it simply means investigating where they come from, and delving more deeply into their background.

Dream interpretation can often be a big help in discovering the masculine side of a woman, and the woman who dreams of being a man is often exploring her masculine nature.

According to Jung, women go through four stages of development when exploring and discovering their animus. In stage one, he animus may appear in dreams, and he may represent the ultimate embodiment of physical power. Thus the animus may appear as an athlete, a highly muscular man, or even as a criminal or thug.

In stage two, the animus gives the woman the initiative and the ability to take action. Women in this stage are often ready to take on careers and lives of their own, apart from their family and other role models.

In stage three of the development process, the animus may be seen in dreams as a clergyman, professor or other authority figure. During this stage, the animus represents knowledge and wisdom.

In the final stage, the animus comes to represent spirituality and deeper meaning. During this stage, the animus moves back and forth between the conscious and unconscious mind, still appearing frequently in dreams but appearing in the waking world as well.

The other popular dream archetype is the Mandela. A Mandela can be either a complex or a simple geometric design or pattern, usually in the form of a circle. Mandelas are frequently seen in Native American ceremonies, and they make up a big part of the religious experiences of many Native American and indigenous peoples around the world.

The Mandela also figures prominently in Eastern religions, and it is used to represent the universe in both the Hindu and Buddhist traditions. In Jungian philosophy the Mandela is the symbol for the self. The Mandela is also used to symbolize the circle of life, completeness or wholeness.

Dreams can use any one of these meanings, or a combination of several meanings, for the Mandela. Dreaming of a Mandela or seeing a Mandela in your dreams, is often seen as a spiritual yearning, or as a greater enlightenment.

It is important to know that archetypes such as the animus and the Mandela are universal in nature, showing up again and again in religions and mythologies around the world and across the time. Their universal nature if one of the things that gives them such power and influence, both in the world of dream interpretation and in the waking world.

Even so, it is important to note that the appearance of these symbols in dreams can have very different meanings and interpretations for each individual dreamer. Even thought the symbols are universal, each individual is unique, and personal experience plays a large role in making each individual dream symbol unique as well.

Analyzing and Interpreting Your Dreams

The meanings of dreams are as personal and unique as the people who dream them. No one interpretation, no matter how universal, will apply to every dream, dream symbol or dream situation. When analyzing or interpreting a dream, it is always important to pay attention to the details of the dreams, your feelings within the dream world, and of course, what is going on in your own life.
If you do wish to interpret your dreams, either purely for fun or to pursue personal and spiritual growth, there are a few pointers that will help you get the most from your dream world.
As you awaken, immediately replay the dream scenario in your head. It is important to do this immediately, preferably before you even open your eyes. The dream world slips away quickly, and as much as 50% of it can be gone in a mere five minutes. By the time ten minutes has passed, more than 90% of the dream’s contents may be lost. Replaying the dream in your head will help you remember more of those tantalizing details.
Immediately write down a description of the dream, focusing on key objects, symbols or feelings. Write a few words about each key element in the dream quickly, before they are forgotten, they go back later and fill in the gaps. Again, it is important to write your dream down as quickly as possible. Keeping a notebook by the bed will be a big help.
Choose a quiet place in your home to begin your interpretation process. Cutting yourself of from sources of distraction will be very important. The space you choose should be as quiet and peaceful as possible. If no such space is available, review your notes a final time, fill in any details you can remember, and come back to them later.
Use your intuition as you review your dream notes and try to make sense of your dream. You may already know on an instinctual level what your dreams are trying to tell you. Connecting with your intuition can help you connect with your unconscious mind. If you meditate, a short meditation session can often be a big help. Connecting with your inner self is always a huge help when it comes to interpreting and analyzing dreams.
As you review your dream notes, pay close attention to the emotions they stir in you. Paying close attention to your emotional state, both at this moment and during the dream, can help you to understand what your dream really meant.
Think very carefully about any vivid details, situations, locations, sensations or symbols that make the dream memorable. Open your heart as well as your mind and carefully explore the possible meaning of each symbol, situation and event. It may be helpful to jot down the impressions in your dream journal or notebook. As you search for meaning, don’t limit yourself to obvious interpretations. For instance, dreaming about a missed appointment could simply mean you are worried about being late for work, but that missed appointment could also symbolize a feeling of missed opportunity in your life.
Running an inner dialog with the people or objects you dreamed about is often helpful as well. This inner dialog is especially useful when trying to determine why you dreamed about certain people. Try asking them in your head “why am I dreaming about you?”, “what are you doing in my dream?”. It is also helpful to know that often people in our dreams are symbols of aspects of our own personality instead of literal people.
If you are stuck for an interpretation, it is a good idea to leave your dream notebook and come back to it later. It may also be helpful to discuss the dream with others, or to consult an expert on dream interpretation.

A Word About Dream Analysis And Interpretation

It is quite likely that dreams have existed for as long as their have been humans to dream them. Dreams are an integral part of the human experience, and every person dreams at least four times, and as many as seven times, each and every night for their entire lives. It is even thought that unborn babies dream while they are still in the womb.

With such an important place in human history, it is no wonder that dream interpretation has such a long and storied history. Everyone wants to know what his or her dreams mean, and dream interpretation and analysis is likely as old as dreams themselves.

The interpretation and analysis of dreams is known to go back at least as far as 3000-4000 B.C., since a number of stone tablets containing dream interpretations have been discovered by archeologists.

People in primitive societies were often thought to make no distinction between the world of dreams and the waking world. Indeed, many people thought of the dream world as more real than the physical one, and thought that the world encountered in dreams was merely an extension of the physical world.

Many ancient peoples thought of the dream world as the time when the soul left the body to commune with the world of the spirits. It was thought that the soul departed the body each night, and visited the world of the ancestors. During this time the dreamer’s soul was gathering knowledge and wisdom from departed ancestors, both recent and ancient.

In other societies, those who could interpret and analyze dreams were held in very high regard, and given a special place in their societies. The Romans and Greeks in particular paid much attention to the analysis of dreams, and they used the analysis of dreams to determine the best course of action in matters ranging from politics to warfare.

The ancient Egyptians as well saw knowledge, power and spirituality in dreams, and gave those who could analyze and interpret them an honored place in the world. The ancient Egyptians often saw dreams as a way for the gods to communicate with the mortal world, and those dream messages were taken very seriously.

Many societies placed special emphasis on dreams that were seen to be prophecies. The dreams of generals on the eve of battle were given special analysis, and those interpretations often figured into the decisions made on the battlefield.

The ancient and modern world are both full of dreams seen to be prophetic. The Bible in particular is a rich source of information on all kinds of dreams and prophecies, and there are many dreams and interpretations of dreams contained within the pages of the Bible. The prophets of the Old Testament often consulted with dream interpreters for advice on politics, warfare and other relationships.

During the early part of the 19th century, the interpretation of dreams fell out of favor, and dreams were given little significance during that time. During this period of time, dreams were thought to be the result of bad food, indigestion, anxiety or even noises in the night.

Later in the 19th century, however, Sigmund Freud would start his psychiatric practice and revolutionize the interpretation of dreams. Freud’s work on dreams is still considered a seminal work even today, and many of Freud’s theories of dream interpretation are still studied and followed over a century later.

A Brief History Of Dreams And Their Interpretation

The interpretation of dreams by dream experts may be almost as old as dreaming itself. We know that all humans, and many animals, dream every night, and humans have always been fascinated to learn what causes dreams and what they mean.

The interpretation of dreams dates back at least as far as 3000-4000 B.C. We know that because the interpretations of dreams were recorded in permanent form on clay tablets. It is thought that many primitive peoples were unable to initially distinguish between the real world and the dream world.

In many cases, these people looked upon the dream world as an extension of the physical world around them, and in many cases they saw the dream world as more powerful than the waking one.

Dream interpretation was such an important field to the ancient Greek and Roman world that dream interpreters often accompanied generals and other military leaders into battles. Dreams were taken extremely seriously, and the Greeks and Romans in particular often viewed dreams as messages sent by their gods.

Dreams also had a religious content in ancient Egypt, and priests their doubled as dream interpreters. Dreams were among the items recorded by the ancient Egyptians in the form of hieroglyphics.

Those whose dreams were especially vivid or significant were thought to be blessed and were given special status in these ancient societies. Likewise, people who were able to interpret dreams were thought to receive these gifts directly from the gods, and they enjoyed a special status in society as well.

There are over 700 mentions of dreams in the bible, and people in biblical times saw dreams as very significant. Dreams and their interpretations are mentioned in many of the most significant books of the bible and other holy scriptures.

In many cases, dreams were often seen as a form of prophecy. People often interpreted their dreams as omens or warnings, and adjusted their activities accordingly. Dreams were often thought of as omens from deities, as messages from spirits, or as messages from departed souls. In some cases, dreams were even seen as the work of demons, meant to confuse and trouble the dreamer.

Dreams were so important that they often dictated the actions of political and military leaders, affecting everything from the prosecution of a battle to the outcome of a political decision. Dreams were also thought to provide vital clues to healers, and they were used in the diagnosis and treatment of all manners of illness.

Dreaming was often looked upon by indigenous peoples as a way to commune directly with gods and spirits, and dreams are still used in this way by cultures around the world. Many people believed, and some still do, that during dream sleep the soul leaves the body and communes with the spirit world.

The Chinese were one culture who believed that the soul left the body each night during dream sleep. They believed that if the dreamer were suddenly awakened the soul may not be able to return to the body. That is why some Chinese are still leery about the use of alarm clocks. This is just one example of how ancient legends can linger into the modern world.

Some Mexican and Native American societies share this ancient view of the importance of dreams, and share the belief in a separate dimension that is visited during dream sleep. These people believed that their departed ancestors lived in their dreams, and that they were able to take forms like animals and plants.

Thus dreams were seen as a way for them to commune with their recent and ancient ancestors, and to gather wisdom and knowledge that would serve them in their waking lives. Dreams were also seen as ways to gather information about their purpose or mission in life.

The respect for dreams changed radically early in the 19th century, and dreams in that era were often dismissed as reactions to anxiety, outside noises or even bad food and indigestion.

During this period of time, dreams were thought to have no meaning at all, and interest in dream interpretation all but evaporated. This all changed, however, with the arrival of Sigmund Freud later in the 19th century. Sigmund Freud stunned the world of psychiatry by stressing the importance of dreams, and he revived the once dead art of dream interpretation.

Dreams of Flying

Dreams of flying may well be the most common of all dreams. Dreams of flying often fall into that special category of dreams in which the dreamer realizes he or she is dreaming. These dreams, called lucid dreams, are some of the most fascinating to both dreamers and dream researchers alike.
Dreams of flying are often described as joyful, fun and exhilarating, and flying dreams are often among the most pleasant dream experiences.
Dreams where you are flying easily, soaring over the landscape and enjoying the serenity often mean that you feel on top of the situation and in control of your life. Flying dreams of this nature are often a nighttime manifestation of the feeling of rising above it all and being in control. Often dreamers are able to control where they fly in their dreams. Being able to control where you fly, how fast you fly and how high or low you fly is often a representation of a strong sense of personal power.
The flip side of that happy scenario are dreams in which the dreamer has difficulty remaining in the air, or dreams where you are unable to fly and begin to fall to earth. These types of flying dreams can represent a lack of power, and an inability to control your personal circumstances. Often people going through situations where they feel powerless will experience these negative kinds of flying dreams.
Obstacles like power lines, mountains and trees in a flying dream can be dream state manifestations of actual barriers in your waking life. For instance, if you feel that roadblocks are constantly going up in your life, you may see these roadblocks manifested as trees, mountains, power lines or other hazards in your flying dream. Identifying the barriers in your life, and overcoming them, can remove these barriers from your dream state as well as your waking life.
Often the dreamer will experience fear while flying, or be afraid that he or she is flying too high. These types of dreams are often representations of fear of challenge, or fear that you cannot succeed.
Dreams of flying are some of the most interesting types of dreams for dream researchers and psychologists. Unlike dreams of being naked, dreams or running, dreams of falling and other common dreams, flying dreams represent an ability that humans do not have in their waking lives. Anytime someone dreams of doing something they do not have the ability to do, it is of interest to dream researchers.
Dreams of flying can represent yearning, or striving to be better. They can also be manifestations of feelings of power, or in some cases feelings of lack of power. The ability of the dreamer to take control of the flight in his or her dream can be an exhilarating experience, and provide the dreamer with a feeling of power than can last into his or her waking life.
No matter what the dream of flying represents, it remains one of the most fertile fields in the world of dream interpretation. There are many reasons to dream of flying, and many ways such a dream can play itself out. Chances are that dreams of flying have been around as long as humans have been dreaming, and that they will continue to be around for millennia to come.

Facts About Dreams

Dreams have been studied throughout history, and dream interpretation has tried to make sense of these nighttime visitations for as long as their have been people to dream. People who could interpret dreams, and those whose dreams were particularly vivid, where often thought to be imbued with divine powers, and they were given a special place in their societies.

Even today, dream interpretation remains a highly sought after art, and science is continuing to focus on dream interpretation as a way to deal with all kinds of anxieties and other underlying psychological issues.

There are some interesting facts about dreaming that you may not be aware of. These facts include:

One third of most people’s lives is spent asleep, and a good portion of that time is spent in dream sleep.
In the average lifetime, a person will have spent approximately six years in dream sleep, equivalent to more than 2,100 days of dreaming.
Dreams have existed as long as human beings. There are records of dreams going back over 4,000 years.
Dream interpretation has existed almost as long as dreaming, and Roman senators in the ancient world often engaged the services of dream interpreters before making important political and social decisions.
Every human being dreams. Even if you do not remember your dreams, you dream between four and seven times a night, every night.
Many animals dream as well. All mammals are thought to dream, and it is suspected that some lower animals dream as well. What they dream about, however, remains a mystery.
If people are prevented from dreaming, they suffer a variety of personality disorders and psychological problems. The exact function of dream sleep is still not known, but it is known that dreaming is an indispensable part of life.
The average person spends two hours per night sleeping, and has from four to seven dreams during that time.
Even blind people dream. The dreams of blind people who were previously sighted sometimes contain visual images, while the dreams of those who have been blind from birth do not. Vision is not the only component of a dream, however. Dreams also contain sounds, sights, smells and touch sensations.
Dreams are forgotten very quickly upon waking. It is estimated that 50% of the content of a dream is lost within five minutes of waking, and after 10 minutes as much as 90% of the dream can be forgotten.
The word dream is derived from a word in Middle English. This word, dreme, translates to “music” and “joy”. It is therefore apparent that dreams have long been looked at as a source of wonder and inspiration.
Men most often dream about other men, while women tend to dream about men and women equally.
Studies of brain wave activity have revealed greater activity during dreaming than during waking periods.
People who are awakened during dream sleep are able to recall their dreams vividly, while those who wait until morning to wake often are not.
Everyone, men and women, seem to experience sexual arousal during their dreams, regardless of whether or not the content of the dream is overtly sexual.
Smokers who are trying to quit often report greater intensity in their dreams.
Studies have shown that toddlers do not dream about themselves. In general, toddlers do not appear in their own dreams until they reach the age of three or four.
It is impossible to snore and dream at the same time.
Children commonly experience nightmares, and these nightmares usually begin by the age of three and last until the child is seven or eight years old.
More than 60% of people surveyed have reported experiencing Déjà vu in their dreams. Déjà vu dreams occur more frequently in women than in men.